

Loom: Snail slime

The snail slime "Loom" is made from "Helix aspersa" for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes.

The secretion is obtained in two stages, in the first it is collected and in the second it is filtered from impurities.
Apart from the addition of stabilizers, neither dilution processes nor chemical interventions are carried out. Main ingredients: extract snail slime (Helix aspersa Muller), loom (only snail secretion) clear, filtered and pure.

Animal Friendly Extraction

Snail extract is obtained by the method of manual stimulation, completely safe and respectful of the snails. The snails are washed, cleaned and then gently stimulated by the hands. After the mucus has been extracted, the snails are washed and cleaned and then returned to the ground, where they continue their normal life.
The slime obtained is then filtered to remove any impurities. The method is very elaborate and time-consuming, but it allows us to obtain high quality mucus and avoid stress for our snails.