acid bases

acid bases

Alkalizing agent Following the example of nature

Our modern lifestyle is often accompanied by a hectic lifestyle, a one-sided diet, soft drinks and alcohol - all of which can negatively affect the body's natural mineral and acid-base balance.

Dr. Jacob's basic remedies are modelled on vegetables and fruit: they provide organic minerals based on citrates, are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, but low in sodium. They help to balance a diet low in minerals and support the normal acid-base metabolism with zinc. Citrates occur naturally in plant foods and are a component of our cells. They are very well absorbed and metabolized by the body. Dr. Jacob's base products do not contain lactose, added sugar, gluten or fillers and are very well tolerated.

Dr. Jacob's lactic acid products contain dextrorotatory lactic acid from fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (without milk components).